Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Fanonian Conception of Race Essay - 1704 Words
The â€Å"Fanonian†Conception of Race Let’s start with, â€Å"What is racism?†Racism is a global hierarchy of the superiority and inferiority along the line of the human of race or races. As of Frantz Fanon’s conception of race are explored by being historically situated, as culturally maintained, and racial constructions as a fixed in human ontology. Human ontology, which is the study of nature of being, reality, or the existence. Also, the coloniality of being is the effect of a coloniality on the lived experience of colonization. His racial theory might be utilized for the understanding processes of the global flows and frictions in many ways. Fanon conceptualizes race in/under colonization and decolonization and how this†¦show more content†¦We should all depend of the understanding of the past, such as Sethe does to be in peace with her kids. The main character Sethe struggles with her haunted legacy of slavery, from her threatening memories and in the form of her dead daughter. Setheà ¢â‚¬â„¢s existence in the present is a struggle in which she struggle in the past and the painful experiences she had to endure of her daughter’s death and at Sweet Home. Slavery would destroy the victims’ traditional family structures, or from forming. Slaves in the book, and in history were often deprived of the foundations of their identity aside from being servants to their master. Slaves were not able to get married because both of them would give a contract to one another. And slaves are already contracted to their owners, so there is not a sense of freedom. Sethe’s past has damaged her life and hoped to bring the pieces back together. Denver, Sethe’s fourth daughter, is very isolated from the black community that it prevents her from forming her own identity. In chapter five, it happened that Beloved seem to be a manifestation of Sethe’s infant daughter which was killed in order to be free from slavery. It was not clear if Beloved was an inc arnation of the infant, spirit of a dead baby, or just a ghost. People assumed that she was the dead infant in a grown woman’s body. She represented as a baby in many ways, cannot walk, impaired
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Carbonated Soft Drink Analysis - 1394 Words
COKE vs PEPSI ADVANCED CORPORATE STRATEGY – SCIENCES PO CASE STUDY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. A profitable industry based in: - - - A solid business model. Potential and relatively easy to diversify: space for complementary products (leverage brand equity) Good financial muscle. The soft drink industry is facing new challenges. The carbonated drink market has lost pace but there are several opportunities to overcome the situation. 2. Concentrate producers and Bottlers are extremely interdependent. Although having very different sources of profitability they ultimately rely on the same customers. The fundamental difference between CPs and bottlers is added value. The biggest source of added value for CPs is their proprietary,†¦show more content†¦Concentrate producers and bottlers, inextricably linked but†¦ Concentrate producers Inputs Process Output Few ingredients: caramel coloring, flavors, caffeine†¦ Little capital investment Concentrate Bottlers Concentrate, sweeteners and packaging Capital-intensive and high speed production lines Product ready to be sold to customers On one hand CPs support bottlers by: †¢ Investing in advertising, promotion, market research †¢ Negotiating on behalf of bottlers suppliers to achieve a reliable, faster and cheaper delivery On the other †¢ Bottlers buy concentrate from CPs using a formula that determine a price linked to the consumer price index. †¢ They are allowed to handle concentrates produced by others brands but who are not directly competing brands. ïÆ' They are ultimately dependent on the same customers 4 †¦different in terms of profitability Different sources of value: †¢ oncentrate producers get value from their C secret recipe. Thanks to this un-replicable proprietary they can leverage on the price of the concentrate. †¢ ottlers must handle both with: B -the concentrate producers which grant them exclusive territories (to reduce rivalry) and share some cost savings but asks high price for their product. -their customers, to create strong relations that will ensure higher sells and shelf space, but want to pay less for not switching to other brands. (Direct store door agreements) Net sales Cost of sales Gross profit Conc. producerShow MoreRelatedCarbonated Soft Drinks - How Do They Work? Essay562 Words  | 3 PagesCarbonated Soft Drinks - How Do They Work? Carbonated soft drinks have a huge history since their foremost inception. They are sweetened carbonated water, i.e. sugar laced aqueous solution of Carbon dioxide; and conventionally they are served, as well as enjoyed, chilled. 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The case also focuses on the entire industry structure and the marketing techniques used by the various leading companies so the Squirt’s annual advertisingRead MoreAnalysis Of Porter s Five Forces Essay1271 Words  | 6 PagesForces can be used to analyze the carbonated soft drink industry in the United States. The first force is the threat of new entrants. Essentially, this is an analysis of the level of difficulty and number of challenges for new businesses to enter the market. The second force is the threat of substitutes. This is a detailed description of potential substitutes for the products in the industry. The third f orce is the bargaining power of suppliers. This analysis shows the amount of power that suppliersRead MoreCarbonated Soft Drink Industry For Management 4001435 Words  | 6 PagesThis is a case analysis of the carbonated soft drink industry for Management 400. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Soda is bad for you free essay sample
Dr. Sara Po trom Family Cosmetic Dentistry, but shes not the only one that thinks that! Almost all pop has some sort ot sugar or high tructose corn syrup in it: this is known to damage teeth. The sugar in carbonated sott drinks is a primary source tor cavities. Bacteria in your mouth teed on sugar and ake an acid that dissolves tooth enamel says Dentist Howard S. Glazer. Howard Glazer is the president of the Academy of General Dentistry and has been a dentist for over 15 years. Faber 2 Not only do regular sodas affect a persons teeth negatively, diet soda does also, According to the Colgate Dental Resource Center, Soft drinks and diet soft drinks have emerged as one of the most significant dietary sources of tooth decay, affecting people of all ages. Acids and acidic sugar byproducts in soft drinks soften tooth enamel, contributing to the formation of cavities _ Acid and acidic sugar byproducts re both found In many different types of soda Sodas contain a high amount of Acidity, and when you get a lot of acidity In your mouth that can cause the formation of cavities to speed Your chances of getting cavities are much greater when the acid level In your saliva goes under a certain point. We will write a custom essay sample on Soda is bad for you or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Drinking soda frequently causes the acid level In your saliva to go under that point, and when that happens your teeth start to lose natural minerals that protect your teeth from getung cavities. According to an unknown author at Fltsugar. com, The phosphoric acid In soda, which Is what eeps It nice and bubbly, dissolves the calcium out of your teeths enamel, leaving them soft and unprotected causing cavities. The phosphoric acid In soda not only affects the enamel on your teeth but It also affects your bones. The American Journal ot cllnlcal Nutrition published a study that showed evidence that supports the Idea that drinking more soda lowers bone density. The lower the density ot a bone, the more likely it is to break. James A Howenstine the authorot, A Physicians Guide to leading to lower calcium levels and higher phosphate levels in the blood. When hosphate levels are high and calcium levels are low, Faber 3 calcium is pulled out of the bones phosphate content of soft drinks it is very high, and they contain virtually no calcium. That can cause bones to weaken. A recent study at Harvard shows that people who drink soda are three times as likely to get bone fractures compared to those who dont drink soda. Men and women that drank three or more sodas a day had 2. 3 to 5. percent less bone mass compared to those who didnt drink any pop at all. This is because excess phosphorus in your diet binds with calcium in your digestive tract, which keeps it rom reaching your bones says Dr. Tucker from Tufts University. Any kind of pop regular, caffeine free, or diet contains phosphorus. Phosphorus is an ingredient that increases the acidity of your blood. Your body takes calcium from your bones, in an effort to try and get rid of some of the acidity in your blood which leads to bone loss over a sort period of time. Just three colas per week may be enough to create significant bone loss says Dr. Tucker. In a 120z can of regular soda, on average there is 160 calories. In one can of soda contains anywhere from 10-12 teaspoons of sugar hich is your recommended intake for one entire day. 62% of Americans drink at least one soda per day. Soda contains virtually no nutritional value, these added empty calories can add up to 65,700 extra calories a year if a person drinks Just one soda a day. These statistics are according to California Center for Public Health. Drinking an excessive amount of soda can lead to a person to be overweight or even lead to obesity. Soda pop is a quintessential Junk food, Its Just pure calories, and no nutrients. Its like a bomb in our diet. The CSPI is pushing to require obesity warning abels on the sides of soda Faber 4 cans, like the surgeon generals warning on cigarettes said Michael Jacobson, who heads the Center for Science in the Public Interest. In a study done at Harvard scientists gave 100 people regular soda to drink for a week. Then gave anot her 100 people other drinks such as milk, water, and orange Juice to drink for a week. In the end the people who drank the regular soda gained as much as 81bs. Dr. Louis Aronne of Weill-Cornell Medical College says Its because soda pop of any kind is a waste of calories. It gives you more sugar then your body needs which means more calories, nd in the end doesnt fill you up at all. Most people that drink soda and go on diets usually think that switching over to diet soda will be better for them because it contains no calories. Researchers at the University Of Texas Health Sciences Center found there is a 41% increased of being overweight for every can of diet soda you drink each day. The study found that people who drank diet soda gained more weight than those who drank regular soda. A reason for this is that diet soda fools your body into thinking its getting calories.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Challenges that Being Black Creates for Douglass and Obama
Introduction Life is very interesting because it has many spheres. Wherever people come from, or the challenges they have faced to reach their current position is of less significance. On literally looking at Barack Obama, the president of the United States, one would think his childhood life was on a silver platter. The same applies to the famous author, Frederick Douglas, who was a famous human activist during his time (Weidt 63).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Challenges that Being Black Creates for Douglass and Obama specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Barack Obama and Frederick Douglas have one thing in common; they are both black people who encountered many challenges in their struggles to live with the whites. The two individuals passed through many difficulties in their childhood and career life. Times had changed in the twentieth century, and one could think that racism was a thing of the eighteenth ce ntury. However, that is not the case since a lot of racism was evident in the twentieth century, and Barack Obama was one of the victims. Many authors have written books, poems, and other literary works in their attempt to portray racism in different ways. However, narratives based on personal experience are so insinuating because they depict a real life experience. To express his personal struggles, Barack Obama wrote his book, Dreams from my father, while Frederick Douglas wrote the book entitled, Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglas, an American Slave. From the narrations in the two books, this paper gives a critical analysis that compares the challenges that being black created for Douglas and Obama. Challenges during Obama and Douglas’ early years of life On his birth in 1818, Frederick Douglas was known as Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey. Frederick was born and raised as a slave, and thus, he worked as a slave in Maryland for a long time during his childhood. Slave children had no right to access education, and although Frederick desired to read and write, he never had that opportunity during slavery. Frederick suffered from beatings and physical torture during his childhood (Douglas 942). After a series of sufferings, Frederick finally managed to escape from slavery, and headed to New York before eventually settling in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Barack Obama was born to Ann Dunham of Kansas, and Barack Obama Sr., a PhD student from Kenya, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Obama was luckier than Frederick was because slavery had reduced during his birth.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More He never suffered from beatings, physical torture and other cruel practices as Frederick did in his childhood slavery. However, in his daily life Obama experienced considerable instances of racism. Obama lived in the neighbourhoods of the whites and white’s childr en could repeatedly bully him. Challenges during Obama and Douglas’ education life During his childhood, Frederick Douglas remained enslaved in the farms while the white children were in good schools. The white farmers took advantage of the powerless blacks, and made it difficult for their children to access education. Douglass and other black children had to work on the farms and this made them very ignorant. The children of the whites went to the best schools to gain knowledge, which would establish and improve their future careers. Frederick only received self-education whenever he encountered some educated and freed blacks. He only lived with the hope that someday he would get a chance to learn how to read and write. Obama did not receive such challenges because education was a primary right during his time of birth. Slavery had long been abolished, but Obama faced a lot of racism for being black in his education life. During his childhood, Obama could not secure a change to study in the best schools. The best schools were meant for the whites and the elite individuals. The blacks and the poor people in the society had access to medium- standard schools. In such schools, education was not up to standard as compared to the elite schools attended by the children of the whites the wealthy individuals (Atwater 124). Obama experienced bullying in schools from the whites. In his college studies, Obama struggled a lot to fit in the America society (Atwater 126). There was a clear indication of racism when Obama tried to establish his political career to become the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review while studying his law career in Harvard Law School. Challenges in Parenting and identity Challenges in parenting and the search for personal identity emerged as some of the greatest challenges that being black created for Frederick and Obama. Douglass did not know his father, but he only heard rumours that a white master fathered him. Ac cording to Frederick, slave children hardly knew their origins, dates of birth or relatives.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Challenges that Being Black Creates for Douglass and Obama specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is because the white masters separated the black children from their relatives early in life. For instance, Frederick was separated from his mother to avoid disclosure of his biological father. Probably, Frederick’s mother was a victim of rape, and that is why the white master never wanted any revelation. Frederick indicates that the slave’s children were separated from their mothers at twelve months of age, where their mothers were hired to work as slaves in farms far away. An aged grandmother would then take over the care of the toddlers. With the motherly love, Frederick’s mother would travel for miles to have a closer look at her child and soothe him at night. The h ard work during the day, the miles at night, pains and suffering of Frederick’s mother would not spare her life, and she died while Frederick was seven years of age. Frederick underwent psychological torture because he was not allowed to be with his mother during her times of sickness, death or burial. That was a remarkably tough moment that Fredrick faced for being black. On the other hand, Obama’s father was a black person who had to return to his home after they divorced with Obama’s mother. Obama experienced psychological torture trying to know his father who had returned to his native land, Kenya. Obama’s mother had little knowledge of his father’s origins and relatives, yet the boy wanted to know his real identity. His struggles continued until Obama gave up on the search for his father. On one cruel morning, during the cold month of November, Obama received a call from his aunt Jane in Nairobi, Kenya, informing him of his father’s dea th in a car accident. Just like Frederick, Obama suffered psychological torture because all he could remember were stories of his mother telling him that his father was a terrific driver. Challenges in adulthood and career development A sound education foundation is of paramount importance in every person. For Frederick, lack of proper education in childhood, the quest for self-education and the need to escape from slavery were challenges that messed up his adulthood (Miller 54). Frederick had to meet strict terms and conditions before leaving the farm, and this delayed his chance to obtain education. Even after leaving the farm, Fredrick had to live like a fugitive slave. He bought his freedom by making endearing friendships, touring Europe and risking his life as an organizer of anti-slavery movements (Miller 73). Frederick had to undergo significant struggles to become a competent writer and orator. He had to struggle tirelessly to become an African-American social reformist and diplomat.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Racism is what prolonged his struggle to become a popular anti-slavery and human rights activist. The fact that Frederick was black prolonged his potentiality to make use of his literary and public speaking skills to mobilise people against doing evil. For Obama, racism prevailed in his struggle to establish his career as a lawyer, educator, and politician. The fact that he was a black and poor youth almost ruined his early adulthood. The poor black youths used drugs and abused substances because of unemployment frustrations, lack of education, and hopelessness (Obama 93). Obama was among them, and he could drink himself stupidly. After recollecting his life, Obama entered the field of politics, where racism clearly portrayed in his campaigns for election as the first Africa-American president of Harvard law review. Conclusion From this analysis, it is evident that racism is the central theme in the two books. In their youth and adult lives, Obama and Frederick provide adequate evid ence of the challenges that their skin colour created. They describe how racism ruined their life, whereby, Obama was almost carried away by alcohol and drugs. From the two narratives, it is evident that both authors were able to overcome racism and its challenges to become great people. Although Fredrick died in 1895, his history of a life well lived will prevail in the American history. Barack Obama is the president of the United States, and he is a clear indication that the struggles in life are not significant; what matters is the final destination. Works Cited Atwater, Deborah F. â€Å"Senator Barack Obama: The Rhetoric of Hope and the American Dream.†Journal of Black Studies 38.2 (2007): 121-29. Print. Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, New York: Crown Publishing Inc, 1990. Print. Miller, James A. Frederick Douglass 1818-1895: The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998. Print. Obama, Bara ck. Dreams from My Father, New York: Random House, 2004. Print. Weidt, Maryann N. Voice of Freedom: A Story about Frederick Douglass, Minneapolis: Lerner Publications, 2001. Print. This essay on The Challenges that Being Black Creates for Douglass and Obama was written and submitted by user N1k0las to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Autobiography of Malcolm X essays
Autobiography of Malcolm X essays Review of the Autobiography of Malcolm X The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told by Alex Haley is about a man who changed the history of America. Malcolm (Little) X preached what he believed about racism, discrimination, and segregation. He went through many changes in his fight for equality. The three transformations that really changed the way Malcolm thought and preached where his transformation in prison, his transformation into the Islamic religion (following Elijah Muhammad), and the biggest transformation of all, his pilgrimage to Mecca. In all of Malcolm actions, teachings and transformations we learn different points of view and we get a good look at different aspects of events. The life of Malcolm (Little) X as told in his autobiography should be read by all. Malcolm X while in prison completed his first transformation. Like many great figures and history makers had a low point in is life. At this time Malcolm was into drugs, hustling, women and money. He became so dependant on making a lot of money he and some of his friends decided to rob the house of an old white man. They were caught for this crime and were not only charged with this crime but were also charged with having sex with white women. Malcolm and his friend "Shorty" were sentenced to six years in prison. The two white women that were Malcolm and Shortys accomplices were sentenced to a year in jail. During the first couple days of prison Malcolm was coming off a drug high and was having withdrawals. These withdrawals led Malcolm into solitary confinement for two months. When he was let out of his chamber he met the man that would later be responsible for Malcolms transformation. This man was a follower of the nation of Islam and the great Alijah Muhammad. Malcol m learned a great deal form him. This shows us that even in the worst of circumstances we can learn and become better. This transformation was a great test for Malcolm ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Abortion Reform vs. Repeal Strategies Compared
Abortion Reform vs. Repeal Strategies Compared What was the difference between reform of abortion laws and repeal of abortion laws? The distinction was important to feminists during the 1960s and early 1970s. Many people were working to reform century-old abortion laws throughout the United States, but some activists argued that these attempts at reform disregarded the autonomy of women and supported mens continued control over women. A better goal, the feminist activists insisted, was the repeal of all laws that restricted womens reproductive freedom. A Movement for Abortion Reform Although a few stalwart individuals had spoken out quite early for abortion rights, the widespread call for abortion reform began during the middle of the 20th century. During the late 1950s, the American Law Institute worked to establish a model penal code, which proposed that abortion be legal when: The pregnancy resulted from rape or incestThe pregnancy gravely impaired the physical or mental health of the womanThe child would be born with serious mental or physical defects or deformities A few states reformed their abortion laws based on the ALIs model code, with Colorado leading the way in 1967. In 1964, Dr. Alan Guttmacher of Planned Parenthood founded the Association for the Study of Abortion (ASA). The organization was a small group about twenty active members including lawyers and physicians. their intent was to educate on abortion, including publishing educational materials and supporting research on the single issue of abortion. Their position was primarily a reform position at first, looking at how laws could be changed. They eventually shifted to supporting repeal, and helped provide the legal counsel, Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee, for the Roe v. Wade case when it went to the Supreme Court in the 1970s. Many feminists rejected these attempts at abortion reform, not just because they did not go far enough but because they were still based entirely on a concept of women being protected by men and subject to the scrutiny of men. Reform was harmful to women, because it reinforced the idea that women must ask permission from men. Repeal the Abortion Laws Instead, feminists called for repeal of abortion laws. Feminists wanted abortion to be legal because they wanted justice for women based on freedom and individual rights, not a hospital medical boards decision of whether a woman should be granted an abortion. Planned Parenthood began taking a repeal, rather than reform, position in 1969. Groups such as the National Organization for Women began to work for repeal. The National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws was founded in 1969. Known as NARAL, the groups name changed to the National Abortion Rights Action League after the Supreme Courts 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. The Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry published a position paper about abortion in 1969 called The Right to Abortion: A Psychiatric View. Womens liberation groups such as Redstockings held abortion speak-outs and insisted that womens voices be heard alongside mens. Lucinda Cisler Lucinda Cisler was a key activist who often wrote about the need for repeal of abortion laws. She claimed that public opinion about abortion was distorted because of the framing of the debate. A pollster might ask, Under what circumstances would you favor a woman having an abortion? Lucinda Cisler imagined asking Do you favor freeing a slave when his bondage is (1)injurious to his physical health†¦? and so on. Instead of asking how we can justify abortion, she wrote, we should be asking how we can justify compulsory child bearing. The proponents of change always pictured women as victims of rape, or of rubella, or of heart disease or mental illness never as possible shapers of their own destinies.- Lucinda Cisler in Unfinished Business: Birth Control and Womens Liberation published in the 1970 anthology Repeal vs. Reform: Finding Justice In addition to defining women as needing to be somehow protected, abortion reform laws took for granted state control of the fetus at some point. Furthermore, activists who challenged old abortion laws now had the added difficulty of challenging additional reformed-but-still-flawed abortion laws, too. Although reform, modernization or liberalization of abortion laws sounded good, feminist activists insisted that repeal of abortion laws was the true justice for women. (edited and new material added by Jone Johnson Lewis)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Educational Leadership Theories Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Educational Leadership Theories - Research Paper Example Educational leadership includes the process of establishing teams, as well as a united staff. Transformational leadership discusses how new levels of energy and commitment which the educators show can also lead to a general transformation of the organization. In the study, Robinson,, (2008) demonstrated how transformational leadership improved the capacity of the workers to collaborate with each other and to assist each other in overcoming challenges in the fulfillment of their goals (Robinson,, 2008). The study also discussed that the more teachers were actively involved in applying transformational leadership and in participating in collegial discussions, the better the impact they had on their students. With active transformational leadership, there was also an oversight and coordination of the general instructional program (Robinson,, 2008). Applying transformational leadership has also been apparent in good performing schools with teachers adhering to clear performance standards in their teaching. With these applications of transformational leadership, it is apparent that it is a strong leadership theory to apply in teaching. McCormick (2009) discusses the essentials of transformational leadership and he cites how this leadership is defined in terms of its idealized influence and individual considerations. McCormick (2009) also discusses that transformational teachers are those who help students consider the bigger view of education by establishing idealized influence. These teachers often communicate with their students and point out to them how important education is and how it can provide a good vision for their future. In applying this leadership, the students have to be exposed to different lifestyles; and in the process consider various opportunities for their future (McCormick, 2009). This type of leadership has also been able to encourage frequent trips for students in order to view the bigger world, and to seek strong solution s for the problems they witnessed during these trips. Through transformational leadership, educators have been able to teach their students how to view themselves as leaders. Teachers applying the transformational leadership approach were able to get their students to read Romeo and Juliet as early as their sophomore year. These teachers were able to encourage the students to narrate the story in their own in way. In effect, the students were actually able to gain much depth in their understanding of Shakespeare and his poetry. By setting high standards for their students and by encouraging them to be more active in the learning process, the students were able to gain more skills and knowledge (McCormick, 2009). Transformational teaching also involves challenging assumptions about the school system. Where students were considered ‘unteachable,’ the transformational leaders were able to prove such concept wrong by teaching their students new ways of learning, as well as and new knowledge. Alger (2008) discusses that building an organizational culture which highlights stable improvement in educational programs can be a significant challenge. The leaders can be challenged in advocating strong leadership in these instances. Transformational le
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Attitude to Exercises and Activity Levels Essay
Attitude to Exercises and Activity Levels - Essay Example Individuals become lazy and less active. Some people are able to counter this by regular exercise schedules to keep the body fit and be physically and mentally alert. But majority of people are unable to find time to do so due to various factors. They become overweight leading to reduced activity levels. However, almost everyone agrees that physical fitness is needed to keep oneself active. Some relevant research works in these aspects are discussed below. Peter D Hart Research Associates reported the results of their survey on attitude towards physical activity and fitness among Americans conducted in 1993. Lack of positive attitude to exercise and poor activity levels were found to be a nation-wide problem not confined to any socio-demographic section. About 54% of less active persons were in the age group of 18 to 44. Physical fitness and overall health were higher in more active groups. Encouragingly, about 60% persons in the less active group desired to be more physically active. But there was no effort to implement this desire. The major constraints cited were: lack of time, poor health, family problems, lack of motivation, lack of access and satisfied with the current status. Health consciousness was the biggest motivator. (Anonymous, undated-a) A survey among university stu... (Mack and Shaddox, 2004) Similar results were reported in schoolchildren of Greece by Christodoulos et al (2006). The authors predicted the possibility of slowing down decline in physical activity due to increasing age. Hagger et al. (1997) in a UK study stressed the need for developing positive attitude among schoolchildren towards physical activity to maintain healthy and active life styles. Findings of Kearney (1999), Margetts et al (1999), Martinez et al (2007) involved studies on attitudes towards physical activity, body weight, health and activity levels. Physical activity was adjudged as more important to be more active and reduce overweight. But a large majority believed their present level of physical activity to be adequate. Removal of stress could be used as a motivator for increased physical activity through exercises. Young, tertiary-educated, slim, non-smoking and active males are more likely to consider physical activity more important. Quinn et al (2008) observed positive effects for physical education programme on obese females. Stein et al (2007) found increased physical activity resulting in increased athletic and social self-perception in boys and girls, but there was no effect on scholastic capability. Amireault et al (2008) identified age and annual income as moderators of intention-behaviour relationship and perceived control of behaviour by testing Azjen's theory of planned behaviour. These moderators could be considered for positive effects of intervention programmes. Seabra et al (2008) observed reduced physical activity in Portuguese female adolescents unlike male adolescents. Based on a review of works in exercise-physical activity, Livingstone et al (2003) concluded that methodology for physical
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Wife of Bath is the rapist knight herself Essay Example for Free
The Wife of Bath is the rapist knight herself Essay She still praises him and speaks of the abuse inflicted on her very matter-of-factly. As difficult as it may be to swallow, could it be that she is an example of a woman who merely wants the illusion of having control while she is really the one who is controlled? It is not to say that women dont want power. We just dont want all of the power. After taking another one of his beatings, she made her fifth husband feel so guilty that he relinquished all of his assets. Therefore, there was a cessation of power which perhaps implies to the reader that her husband may now be less desirable to her, since she has now defeated and conquered him. After this encounter, we do not hear much more of the fifth husband. Why is that? Is it because theres nothing left to tell now that she controls him? We arent even told how this marriage ends whether he died or they separated. Of tongue and fist, indeed of all hed got. I made him burn that book upon the spot. And when Id mastered him, and out of deadlock. Secured myself the sovereignty of wedlock. For ages, women have begged men to be more eager to listen and indulge us in our thoughts and desires. However, we tend to become bored with these men. Though the two latter marriages dont seem successful, the reader can see the transition between husbands from ones that were simple and easily tames to the ones that were more difficult and harder to control. She is finding it harder to find a husband, now that she feels weakened, by what she considers the natural flaw of aging I wont prevent him! Ill have a husband yet. So now she needs to assert herself, using some other way to demonstrate her power. She doesnt really have the things that she describes as important, except for what she has superficially attainted through past marriages. You say that some desire us for our wealth, Some for our shapeliness, our looks, our health, Some for our singing, others for our dancing, Some for our gentleness and dalliant glancing, And some because our hands are soft and small; But your account the devil gets us all. Though in her tale she brings out her point that women want dominance over a man in marriage, there are flaws to her story telling. The nominal hero in the tale is a rapist. The word rape is often promoted by the Wife of Bath throughout her tale. The king in the Wifes tale represents authority and would have inflicted the punishment of death on the knight. The queen on the other hand would have preferred the knight to also be raped, an eye for an eye. Out of context, it can be seen that the Wife of Bath is the rapist knight herself. Since the story is her own, her traits can be seen through the different characters. The Wife of Bath is interchangeable. She can be the knight who conquers the woman and who is also blinded by the false importance of age and beauty. Having created the knight and the theme of rape, she becomes a perpetual self-rapist. She could be the woman who is overtaken by the knights sexuality and strength, a sign of her sexual weakness. She could be the queen who is set upon this man learning that woman want/need control. Or even more so, we can see her as the hag who conquers the man and wins the power in the relationship. There is a gentle irony in the Wifes tale. Her story is of the antifeminist clichi that all women in their hearts desire to have control but also subconsciously want to be raped.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Inanna: Goddess Of Heavon And Earth :: essays research papers
When one gains power they sometime change the person they were because they love the feeling of supremacy and control they receive. Inanna, also known as Ishtar, came to the mighty warrior, â€Å"her brother†, Gilgamesh two times, in two different stories, each time looking for something that he possessed. However, this goddess, of Heaven and Earth, was depicted as two different figures when she asked for the mighty Gilgamesh’s assistance.      The first encounter with Gilgamesh shows Inanna as a girl who cannot overcome her inner fears, and is begging for the assistance of this mighty ruler. She cried, â€Å"O Gilgamesh, in the days when the fates were decreed†¦ they (the animals) would not leave my tree.†It also depicts Inanna as a somewhat timid person who is afraid to fight these mighty creatures with her own knowledge and fortitude. The conquering of her fears symbolizes Inanna coming out of the shadows of girlhood; moreover, this foreshadows the needs that must be met as a woman.      Inanna, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, has been a woman for many years and is no longer vulnerable and innocent like she was in their first encounter. She now is looking for a husband whom will fulfill her desires as a woman, â€Å"Come to me Gilgamesh, and be my bridegroom; grant me the seed of your body†¦Ã¢â‚¬ When Gilgamesh does not obey her plea, she believes he must pay; moreover, this leads to the death of his beloved companion Enkidu.     The depiction of the goddess, in the second confrontation, is completely different from the one we saw when she was crying for courage. Inanna is no longer the girl who was afraid of the serpent, Anzu bird, and the Lilith; but instead, she is a woman who knows what she wants and if it is not given to her, she will take matters into her own hands. This turn from vulnerable to possessive was in direct correlation to the power in which she received when Gilgamesh conquered her fears. Though the goddess didn’t change her physical form, her needs certainly did. The first time Gilgamesh and Inanna met, she was young and did not have the power of the me.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The impact of Christian Religious Education
The context of studying religious in a society such as ours, Christian religious educations give me the opportunity to learn from religion (Christian religion) in an organized Manner.From my perspective, Christian religious education aims to support and develop my religious identity by giving me the opportunity to participate at Christian religious practices. Religious education like Christianity involves religious practices such as praying, caring for others, and dealing with the challenges of life.In these practices I see Christian religious education as an inspirational reality of God’s teaching; the only reliable tool that I rely on in the time of difficulties and challenges. The concepts of God, creation, redemption, or eternity are concepts that are difficult to understand unless with faith and the teaching of Christian religious education.From this standpoint, progress in Christian religious education refers to my participation at religious practices in a more proficien t way. The aim of this paper is to get a clear view on the significance of studying Christian Religious Education and its impact on me as an individual.Growing up as a KidAs a kid growing up I attended Catechism classes (first Holy Communion and Confirmation), as far as going to the seminary (Catholic seminary) after my graduation from high school. I attended catechism classes and was taught the Catholic doctrines and other Christian beliefs.Therefore, Christian religious education has impacted my life and my personal growth. Consequently, learning through religious education enables me to:Develop my knowledge and deepen my understanding of the Christian faith, especially my Catholic faith and other Christian beliefs. It helps me understand the relevance of the Catholic faith and the meaning of life. It fosters the values, attitudes and practices which are well-suited with my faith as Christian. Christian religious education develops my skills of reflection, critical thinking, and h ow to act in accordance when making moral decisions. It nurtures my prayer life as an individual.It helps me understand and appreciate significant aspects of other Christian traditions such as observing lent, the practice of station of the cross and advent season. The observance of all of these makes a positive difference to my Christian life and put my beliefs and values into action.The Influence of Christian Religion Education on meThe impact of Christian religious education on me is that it transfers Christian moral values and norms to me as person or individual growing up to become responsible and appreciating myself and others. It teaches me the actual duty of a Christian and acquaints me with religious practices and obedience to authorities in the neighborhood, homes, state and in the universal society.Christian religious education helps me to develop the knowledge and understanding of Christianity and especially, the catholic doctrine. Christian religious education specially the catholic doctrine have taught me some religious norms and it values and has encouraged me to learn from various religious beliefs, values and culture while at the same time, focusing my own beliefs regarding my religion.My study at the seminary and catechism classes has also help me to be mature personally and socially as well as refining my judgments and decisions on religious, moral and social issues, preparing me for life in a secular society.During my time in primary school I can clearly recall that Christian religious education in the context of catholic religious teachings popularly known as â€Å"doctrine†in catholic schools was a compulsory subject for us. It was mandatory subject, not an optional one.In fact anyone who could not pass doctrine in St. Francis high school (Pleebo, Maryland County) is assumed not to be able to do well or pass other subjects. As the result, Christian religious education gave me a stronger sense of my identity and it made me to know m y place in the world that I live in through Christian religious and ethical teaching.Christian Religious education guides me through my spiritual journey. It motives me and helps me been focus on my spiritual life. If I don’t understand what I am implementing in my life, then I will end up losing focus in my Christian activities.Christian Religious education aids me in instructing me how to understand the existence of God and how to obey his commands. Christian Religious education assists me in keeping me from doing the wrong things and repeating the same mistakes over and over again.It instructs me to obey authorities and follow the teaching of the scriptures, so that I may teach the little one or my own kids the ways of life of my religion (Christian) and how to follow it teachings. Encourages me to look more into what I accept as true and reflect on that spiritual knowledge. It helps me understand the Word of God as expressed in the Christian scriptures and especially the teachings of the Catholic Church. And considering how situations can affect the way that I understand things in my lives and the world around me. Reflecting on the Catholic beliefs that my life has meaning, therefore, the essence of Christian religious education is to help me to value the teachings of the scriptures and that which God reveals in our lives.It helps me recognize such knowledge and understand issues which are never fully realized except in actual relationships with the scripture (God) or teaching of Christian religion education. It helps me truly develop and engage common issues in concrete actions.Why Christian Religion Education Matters to me?Christian Religious education makes a distinctive contribution to my well-being. It promotes my moral, social and above all my spiritual, development. It prepares me for societal challenges and future responsibilities. Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. Christian Religio us education try to explain or give meaning to challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. It develops my knowledge and understanding of the nature of religion and belief including Christianity, and other principal religious issues, such as the TRINITY, (three persons in one God).God the FATHER, God the SON and God the HOLY SPIRIT, philosophy that are difficult to understand. Christian religious education offers me the opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development. It enhances my awareness and understanding of Christianity and beliefs, teachings and practices. Christian religious education had impacted my life, to be more precise, it helps me to understand issues of faith and the existence of God. There are things I cannot do because of my beliefs and faith.I cannot take away human life, because I have value for other and the life of peop le. I cannot encourage abortion or homosexual arts.Taking away other life is murder, murder is a crime. Christian religious education, specially my doctrine (catholic doctrines) forbids that. And Christian religious educations help enhance and foster my beliefs. Therefore, my value of God is deepening.Christian religious education today is vital. As the issue of extremism emerges, I begun to wonder how these people lost their moral direction and they have turn against society in the name of religion. One might want to look to their religion as one aspect of what shaped their thinking.Instead of judge them; I extend forgiveness, because my religion (Christianity) teaches me how to forgive. After all, Christ said in the Bible â€Å"he who is without sin should cast the first stone.†Christian religious education is priceless. Christian religion offer open debate about all moral and ethical points of view. It is open to free debate, unlike other religions which forbids open discu ssion of some critical issues.In order to combat ignorance, Christian religious educations enlighten my mind. It causes me to act as detects by the scripture or my doctrine.The reason a society falls is its lack of morality. Christian religious education taught me about morality, ethics and to love others, even if they don’t act very loving toward me.The skills, understanding and knowledge acquired from Christian religious education during my seminary and catechism class’s days, couple with my Christian ethics class at AMEU is very necessary. They help to broaden my knowledge and positively sharp my thinking to be mature in my attitudes.Christian religious educations help me to be open minded, value for others and self understanding. Experiencing self-assurance about my own beliefs and identity and increasing my perception of my religious, moral and spiritual ideas.ConclusionIn conclusion to this paper, I will say Christian religious education from all angle and from a ll area of society has shown without any doubt its significance on me as individual and society cannot be ignored.Christian Religious Education has prove to make available openings for spiritual expansion in the course of helping me to think about and act in response to questions of meaning and function in life, and questions about the s existence of God and morals in human society; to consider and react to critical issues especially issues of morality and real challenges of life.This has helped me to make clear and knowledgeable decision on religious and moral issues. Our society today is face with many moral issues, such as same sex marriage know as gay marriage and the issue of abortion. Christian religious education has helped to develop my sense of character and belonging, preparing me for life as individual in society.It gives me consciousness and understanding of my beliefs, including practices and values of Christianity. Christian Religious Education is a tool that streng then my ethical attitude and values, including choices and behavior and my believed toward abortion, drugs and homosexuality.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Intellectual Heritage Essay
Intellectual Heritage is one aspect in my life that I really value most. For one, this helped me in understanding things I wasn’t aware before. It also helped me in dealing with things I haven’t been conscious of like how diverse the philosophy of different people known world-wide are. I can say that this particular program, Intellectual Heritage, somehow made me think of something that I haven’t thought of before. The texts that we have dealt with are more of the Western texts which honestly have made me think of things that I wasn’t able to think before. In the book The Republic, Plato said, â€Å"They will never intentionally receive into their minds false-hood, which is their detestation, and they will love the truth†. This main particular text of Plato have made me think in a different way, in a sense that I had realization when that particular was discussed. Being truthful in different things is quite important because it is a fact universally acknowledged that no one wants deception. Before, I haven’t dealt with much importance on telling the whole truth, and that speaks for most of us, I guess. But after discussing the text in the book The Republic, I have become more sensitive of what lying or dishonesty will bring me. And I can proudly say that it will not and will never bring a positive impact or effect in us. Lying just made us capable of hurting other people. It just makes things complicated and help us not to build a healthy community, rather a decaying one. I began to realize that a lie wouldn’t help anyone in one way or the other. It breaks the bond that people have made without us being conscious of that fact. Moreover, even some of us are aware of the consequences it may bring but opted not to give any attention to that matter. Selfish people lie for their own benefits but what they don’t know is that it causes them to be destructed little by little. As Plato have said, it is a detestation to tell a lie not only for a certain person, but to the whole mankind for that matter. Truth undeniably is what people need. As for my learning, I have learned a lot but the topic about falsehood and truth has a biggest influence to me and definitely changed various perspectives in my life. And in that case, Intellectual heritage as a whole apparently gave me a big opportunity in thinking in a different way, in a way of realizing important matter that life brings yet usually disregarded. In line with the course Intellectual Heritage, I can say that I have experienced a variety of connections between Intellectual Heritage and another course, which is the Philosophy course. Although, Intellectual Heritage is a one of a kind course, I can say that it somehow has a connection in Philosophy because it also deal with different thoughts of different known persons in the world. In Philosophy, we are all aware that it tackles mainly on the philosophical thoughts certain people have. In fact, there are many known philosophical figures even at this point in time. Among others were Socrates and Plato. Socrates, as we all know is the teacher of Plato. Plato, on the other hand is the one who had great influence on Augustine, who was a major shaper of Christian theology. â€Å"A philosophy is a comprehensive system of ideas about human nature and the nature of the reality we live in. It is a guide for living, because the issues it addresses are basic and pervasive, determining the course we take in life and how we treat other people, (William Thomas)†. Basically, Intellectual Heritage and Philosophy deals with similar issues. In Philosophy, it primarily talks about the fundamental nature of existence, of man, and of man’s relationship to existence as a whole. In Intellectual Heritage on the other hand, it is somehow the same. Only, it deals with the main texts of the people who have dealt with the issues in the nature of existence, of man, and of man’s relationship to existence. Although the two courses differ in some way, I can say that it is both helpful in just the same way. It enhances and help me improve my line of thinking, in a sense that I am being critical with the things in my life. I can relate being critical in Philosophy in a way that whenever a certain philosopher has an idea, I first think deeply and asses his beliefs. In that way, I have the opportunity whether to agree with his ore her ideas or not. Intellectual Heritage on the other hand, somehow helped me in focusing intently with the texts presented to me. So as to speak, both of the courses, Intellectual Heritage and Philosophy have a connection in someway that it both benefited me in various ways, especially in the aspect of my critical thinking skills. In this semester, it is evident that we have dealt with many different texts in a rhetorical manner. As for me, I must admit that at first, I had a hard time dealing with this course because I’m not used to deal with rhetoric aspects of things, especially in the texts we have used in this course. But later on, I learned how to cope with the topics being discussed and came to know numerous lessons about the texts we have dealt with. As a whole, the things I learned from the experience of dealing with the rhetorical aspect of the texts discussed were all exceptional. I said that it is exceptional because honestly, the course made me think in ways I have never thought I would be able to. My line of thinking now differs in someway from the line of thinking I have now. I am more critical with the things being laid to me and felt happy about it. In this particular course, I have learned to read with more attention focused in the text I’m reading because deep focus is an evident requirement for this particular course. My reading skills were trained and was improved because of the approach of this course. Another is that I also came to know the essentials in demonstrating verbal argumentation. I realized that in order to survive an argument verbally, one must have a strong conviction in what you stand for. Being able to stand for what you believe in is a powerful evidence that you have a really strong will to win the argument. Also, demonstrating listening skills is one of the main learning I have acquired in this actual course. I learned to listen intently, carefully, keenly, and attentively. Listening skills is very important especially when dealing with the rhetorical aspect of the text because it will help you to understand better what the text is all about. The most essential thing that I have learned in this course is the demonstrating the skills in written communication. We are taught of the necessary things to consider to be able to expound our ideas in the written form and helped us build up our ability to communicate in written form. In general, the lessons I have learned in the experience of dealing in rhetorical aspects of the texts are that one must be able to the essential things in life such us being truthful, courageous, being fair, and the likes. I also learned to be keen in every detail of the texts I am reading so that I will not grasp the wrong idea from the text.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Article Review
Article Review ; Journal of Managerial Issues- Summer, 2002 Authors Names: James P. Burton Thomas W. Lee Brooks C. Holtom Research Design: A survey research deign was employed to study the performance of customer service employees with respect to their commitment to the organizations output. The surveys were carried out on the employees in one department of a big national retailer. Variables involved: The independent variables included the ability to attend work and the motivation to attend work, which were used to determine the attendance of the employees. The dependent variable was the attendance of the employees because it depended on the ability of the employees to attend or if they are motivated to do so. Relationship proposed: The relations were based on Steers and Rhodes model that proposes that attendance is predicted by motivation to attend while ability to attend has an indirect effect on attendance. Conclusion: The results of this study portrays that an employees ability work coupled with lack of motivation to attend work notably leads to his or her absenteeism. This kind of absenteeism is attributed to several family issues. On the other hand, a motivated employee may fail to attend due to such issues as illnesses and sickness. This study also supports the view that absenteeism is a multidimensional concept that should not jus be viewed in one orientation of either ability or motivation (Burton, Thomas, and Brooks, 2002). It is recommended that future researches should involve both specific and overall dimensions of absenteeism. Critique: This study has several implications on management of firms since it helps to monitor the reasons for absenteeism of employees. This study was however limited by the failure of the items for measuring ability to form the underlying construct making it impossible to determine the exact measure of attendance influenced by ability. The use of predictive design of determining the results was the strength of this article presenting the attitudes of the employees about commitment and absenteeism long before they try to do so.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Pronouncing X in Spanish
Pronouncing 'X' in Spanish You may have noticed that the Spanish x is sometimes pronounced like the English x, but sometimes like the English s. If so, you might be wondering: Are there rules about when it is pronounced as an x and when its pronounced as an s? ‘X’ Between Vowels Due to regional variations, there arent any rules that hold true throughout the Spanish-speaking world. In general, however, when between vowels (as in exactamente) the Spanish x is pronounced like the English ks sound but softer or less explosive. ‘X’ Before Another Consonant When it comes before another consonant (as in expedicià ³n), it has the s sound in some regions/countries but the soft ks sound in others. In some areas, the letters pronunciation before a consonant varies from word to word. The only way to know for sure is to listen to someone speaking with the regional accent you wish to emulate. Words Beginning with ‘X’ When a word begins with x (there arent many such words, and most are English cognates), it is usually given the s sound, not the z sound of English. Thus a word like xenofobia sounds the same as if it were spelled senofobia. ‘X’ in Mexican Place Names In some Mexican place names, indeed in the name of Mà ©xico itself, the x is pronounced the same as the Spanish letter j (or the english h). Oaxaca, for example, sounds like Wa-HA-ka. ‘X’ with a ‘Sh’ Sound Making matters more confusing is that in a few words of Catalan, Basque or indigenous American origin the x is pronounced like the English sh. This is especially common in southern Mexican and Central American place names. The No. 2 city of Guatemala, for example, is Xela, pronounced something like SHEL-lah.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The difference in vegetation density in burnt and unburnt Assignment
The difference in vegetation density in burnt and unburnt - Assignment Example In this case, the mean ranks were compared but not the medians. The above table indicate the group with the highest density of plantation, overall; the group with the highest rank. In this regard, the un-burnt area is observed to have the highest density of plantation Basing on the data above, it can be concluded that plantation density in the un-burnt area was not statistically significantly higher than the burnt area(U=2,p=0.4).This implies that further studies need to be done to determine the repeatability of the results in order to confirm if the results are valid. According to literature it is clearly evident that frequent fires might have an impact on the young plants including higher size class (Trollope et al., 1998). The frequency of fire usually determines the length of time the plant is required to recover before the next fire occurs. The slower the rate of recovery, the more likely it is that the composition and structure of the vegetation will be changed, specifically where fires occurs often. Trollope W.S.W., Trollope L.A., Biggs H.C., Piennar D. and Potgieter A.L.F Longterm changes in the woody vegetation of the Kruger National Park, with special reference to the effects of elephants and fire, Koedoe, 41, pp103112.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Marketing Plan part A Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Marketing Plan part A - Coursework Example It has been in existence and operation since 2007 and aims at providing solutions to day to day tasks. The marketing strategy of the pet spray product wise includes decisions related to product mix (Small Business management 382). It involves branding, packaging and labeling. Intensive brand promotion plays a key role in facilitating sales. The strategy is to engage social media marketing platform as a tool to expose the brand to the target market due to the power of sharing. The brand symbol/ picture will involve pets and the different types of ambiance. The spray paint is packaged in a spray can with an easy to handle valve jet; this is at giving the brand protection, information provision and facilitating sales appeal. Good packages facilitate point of purchase, and it is keen to note that packaging has emerged as a major promotional tool in the consumer goods segment. The spray also comprises of application instructions, labeling assist consumers to understand the nature of the product and its unique features such as easily washable and
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Credit Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Credit Report - Essay Example Fair Credit Reporting Act was amended by adding the following new subsections:Fair Credit Reporting Act was amended by adding the following new subsections:†¢ RESELLER.â€â€the term ‘reseller’ means a consumer reporting agency that assembles and merges information contained in the database of another consumer reporting agency or multiple consumer reporting agencies concerning two or any consumers for purposes of furnishing such information to any third party, to the extent of such activities; and does not maintain a database of the assembled or merged information from which new consumer reports are produced.†¢ Identity theft prevention; to identify theft, means a fraud committed using another person’sIdentifying information, subject to such further definition as the commission and the board may prescribe, jointly, by regulation. Have different sections that it represents and includes the following: a] Investigating changes of address and inactive acco unts this is done by the federal banking agencies and the national credit union administration] Fraud alerts.Include a fraud alert in the file of that consumer for a period of not less than 90 days beginning on the date of such request, unless the consumer specifically requests that such fraud alert be removed before the end of such periodc] Truncation of credit card and debit card account numbers d] Summary of rights of identity theft victims e] Establishment of procedures for depository institutions to identify possible Instances of identity theft f] Study on the use of technology to combat identity theft.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The element copper
The element copper Introduction Copper, elemental symbol Cu, is a transition d-block metal, and is the least reactive of the first row metals. Copper can have the oxidation states +1 and +2 and can form many complexes with various ligands. The Cu 2+ ion, at low concentrations, is an essential element to plant and animal life, and a human adult has a required daily intake of 3-5mg. [1] The richest nutritional sources of copper are; animal livers, shellfish, dried fruit, nuts and chocolate. [2] A human who lacks copper can develop a deficiency and in some cases this can result in anaemia, and Wilsons disease (copper accumulates in tissues which leads to neurological symptoms and liver disease). [1] A human adult contains roughly 100mg of copper, [1] most of which are attached to proteins and found in tissues, with high concentrations found in the liver and muscles. Eventhough copper is very useful, and required for a variety of process, for example; formation of haemocyanin (oxygen carrying proteins in molluscs), at high concentrations copper ions can be toxic and harmful. To avoid copper-induced toxicity most organisms use a combination of copper-regulated import inhibition and extraction of copper through specific export mechanisms. In mammals, copper is partially detoxified by sequestration in the metal- binding metallothioneins or export via the copper-translocating ATPases. [3] Use of copper in the human body and cells Copper has many roles in the human body and it plays a vital role in a range of chemical reactions that are essential to human health and development. Copper is distributed to several areas in the body so it can be used in various ways. Copper plays a major part in the conversion of iron to its useable Fe (III) form and also helps transport iron around the body. Copper is needed for the synthesis of collagen, a protein found in human skin, which maintains elasticity. [4] As a cofactor for the enzyme tyrosinase; copper is involved in the synthesis of the skin pigment melanin. Copper is also key for the development of the brain and nervous system as it plays a role in the production and maintenance of myelin, which insulates nerve cells thus ensuring the transmission of nerve impulses. Copper is also involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, chemicals that allow communication between nerve cells. [5] Within cells the generation of energy (ATP), inside the mitochondria, depends on the involvement of a copper-containing enzyme. [4] Another vital function for the copper as a cofactor is the neutralisation of free radicals that would otherwise oxidise and destroy healthy cells. [6] More specific examples; Cytochrome c oxidase The enzyme cytochrome c oxidase, a large transmembrane protein complex found in the mitochondrion, is the last enzyme in the respiratory electron transport chain. It contains two heme centres called cytochromes a and a3, as well as two copper atoms. The copper sites, CuA and CuB, are associated with cytochromes a and a3, respectively. CuA is liganded by two cysteines and two histidines (Fig 1.0). The heme of cytochrome a is liganded by imidazole rings of histidine residues. CuB and the iron atom of cytochrome a3 are located close to each other and this closely coupled pair of metal ions is referred to as a binuclear centre (Fig 1.1). [7] [8] The copper sites play a part in electron transfer by switching between the Cu- state and the Cu2+ state. Reduction of one oxygen molecule requires passage of four electrons through carriers. Electrons from cytochrome c are transferred to CuA sites and then passed to the heme iron of cytochrome a. The electron pathway continues as CuB accepts a single electron from cytochrome a. A second electron then reduces the iron centre to Fe2+, leading to the binding of O2 and the formation of a peroxy bridge between heme a3 and CuB. This amounts to the transfer of two electrons from the binuclear centre to the bound O2. The next step involves uptake of two H+ and a third electron, which leads to cleavage of the O-O bond and generation of Fe4+ at the heme. Uptake of a fourth e- facilitates formation of ferric hydroxide at the heme centre. In the final step of the cycle, protons from the mitochondrial matrix are accepted by the coordinated hydroxyl groups, and the resulting water molecules dissoc iate from the binuclear centre. [9] Summary reaction: 4 Fe2+ -cytochrome c + 8 H+ + O2 ? 4 Fe3+ -cytochrome c + 2 H2O + 4 H+ [7] Haemocyanin Hemocyanins are a type of respiratory protein in the form of metalloproteins containing two copper atoms. The deoxy-form of a haemocynin is colourless and contains Cu (I), while O2 binding results in the blue Cu (II) form. [10] Hemocyanins carry oxygen in the blood of some molluscs (e.g. snails, whelks) and some arthropods including crabs and lobsters. They are second only to haemoglobin in biological popularity of use in oxygen transport. Hemocyanins are found suspended in the hemolymph, and arent bound to blood cells like haemoglobin. [11] Contained within the metalloprotein are two neighbouring non-bonded Cu (I) centres, each of which is bound by three histidine residues. [11] Fig 1.2 shows the binding of oxygen in relation to the copper sites. Tyrosinase Tyrosinase is an enzyme, which contains copper, and is present in plant and animal tissues that catalyzes the production of melanin and other pigments from tyrosine. [12] The reaction includes the reduction of the copper by an o-dipfenol. This reaction is followed by reaction of the intermediate with dioxygen to yield a highly reactive intermediate complex that is broken down by the substrate to form water and the required product. [2] Catechol oxidase Catechol oxidase is a copper-containing enzyme whose activity is like that of tyrosinase. Catechol oxidase carries out the oxidation of phenols such as catechol, using dioxygen. In the presence of catechol, benzoquinone is formed (reaction below). [14] In this reaction hydrogens are removed from catechol and combine with oxygen to form a molecule of water. Superoxide Dismutase One of the most important enzymes involved in removing free radicals from the human body is superoxide dismutase (SOD). Its function is to defend and protect cells against molecular damage from oxygen. SOD is located in two places within the cells, the mitochondria and the cytoplasm. The SOD that is found in the mitochondria contains manganese, and the SOD found in the cytoplasm contains copper and zinc. [15] This enzyme catalyzes the dismutation, (a reaction involving a single substance but producing two products), [16] of superoxide into oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. For each two superoxides that are encountered by the SOD, one hydrogen peroxide is formed. One molecule of super oxide has their extra electron removed by SOD, and places it on the other super oxide molecule. [17] Therefore one ends up with one less electron, forming normal oxygen, and the other ends up with an extra electron. [15] The superoxide molecule, with the extra electron, then quickly picks up two hydrogen ion s to form hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a dangerous compound, as it transforms easily into the reactive hydroxyl radical, so the cell uses the enzyme catalase to detoxify it, producing water and oxygen. [15] An example of a reaction of an SOD protein containing copper; Cu2 + SOD- + O2- Ã Cu1 + SOD- +O2 Cu1 + SOD- +O2- +2H+ Ã Cu2 + SOD + H202. In this reaction the oxidation state of the copper changes between +1 and +2. [15] Toxicity of copper At high concentrations copper can be toxic to the human body and to cells. Problems can also develop if the body doesnt have enough copper or the copper cant be efficiently used within the human body. [18] People can have three different copper imbalances, which can make a person; copper-toxic, copper-deficient, or develop a condition called biounavailable copper. People who are fast oxidisers need more copper in theirs bodies. Slow oxidisers often have excessive copper in their bodies, therefore more prone to copper imbalance. [18] Biounavailable copper refers to when copper is in excess in the body, but it cannot be utilized well. Biounavailability often occurs due to a deficiency of the copper-binding proteins, metallothionein. Without sufficient binding proteins, copper ions may flow around the body, where it may gather in the liver and brain. [18] Copper has certain places where it accumulates in the body referred to as target organs, these are, the liver first, then the brain. Copper may affect any organ or system of the body. However, it usually affects major systems and organs like; the nervous system, connective tissues such as hair, skin and nails and organs like the liver. [18] How do cells protect themselves against copper toxicity? Metallothioneins Figure 1Cells control the movement of copper across its membranes, maintaining the amount needed for biological functions while avoiding excess toxic levels. [19] Among the many factors required to achieve this equilibrium of highly toxic levels and the amount needed, are the metallochaperones, a family of proteins that transfers metal ions to specific intracellular locations where metalloenzymes bind to the metal ions and use them as cofactors to carry out essential biochemical reactions. [9] Knowledge of the transportation of copper to its final destination has increased with the identification of two proteins involved in Cu trafficking in yeast: Atx1 and Cox17. [20] The uptake of Cu in yeast starts with reduction by a plasma membrane reductase. The reduced copper is then transported across the membrane by the Cu transporter Ctrl. Three different proteins transport Cu from Ctrl to three different locations within the cell: Cox17, takes Cu to the mitochondria for incorporation into the cytochrome c oxidase (Sco); Ccs targets Cu to CuZnSOD, a primary antioxidant enzyme; and Atx1 directs Cu to a post-Golgi compartment, by way of Ccc2, a P-type ATPase transmembrane Cu transporter, for final insertion into Fet3, a multicopper oxidase. [20] The Cu transport mechanisms described, in figure 1.4, are active when concentrations of copper are low, and some arent used/ needed when the concentration of copper is very high in the medium. Therefore, yeast strains missing the gene for C ox17 cannot respire in normal growth media because CCO is Cu deficient, but are rescued when the medium is made 0.4% CuSO4. [20] Increasing the Cu concentration in the medium means Cu can be delivered to the Fet3 oxidase in yeast strains missing the gene for Atx1. These results show that Cox17 or Atx1 is required for proper Cu trafficking when Cu levels are high and that their presence is not required to detoxify Cu. [9] Cu-ATPases ATPase pumps are involved in the movement and translocation of ions (Na+, K+), and a variety of metal ions such as copper. The pumps that translocate metal ions are referred to as P-type ATPases. These Ptype ATPases, including the copper ATPases, are highly conserved from bacteria to humans. The Menkes ATPase translocase (MNK) is largely involved in the transfer and detoxification, of copper ions. Defects in this P-type pump lead to a fatal copper-deficiency disease in humans called Menkes syndrome. MNKs activity appears to be regulated by the metal it exports, copper. The composition and sequence of the metal binding domain of the Menkes ATPase (MNKr) is distinct from metallothioneins, which have major folds organized or stabilized by Cu (I) ions. The Menkes protein functions to export excess copper and is reversibly metalloregulated through the specialized copper-binding sites in the amino end of the protein. The metalloregulation couples the cellular export of copper to the intrac ellular concentration of copper ions. [3] Conclusion As seen in this report copper is very useful and needed in the body for a variety of different reactions and functions. Its a key part of many enzymes such as; cytochrome c oxidase, Tyrosinase, Catechol oxidase and superoxide dismutase. Therefore copper is a key role in the formation of cellular energy (ATP), using cytochrome c oxidase in the electron transport chain. Copper also plays a key role in the production of myelin and neurotransmitters and therefore is essential in the development of the nervous system. Another way in which copper has been proven to be important in the human body is in the production of melanin and collagen, essential proteins in the skin. However this report has shown that at high levels copper can be toxic and can cause problems within the human body. Copper can accumulate within vital organs and affect and damage major systems. To tackle this problem of accumulation cells contain unique proteins within their membranes that help regulate and remove copper, from inside the cell, if the levels are becoming excessive. These proteins are called metallothioneins and have specific binding sites for copper atoms (and other mineral/metals) to attach to. The mechanism, of the uptake and removal, is complicated and involves the transfer of copper ions between certain proteins along three different pathways. These methods are outlined in this report. References Chemistry of the Elements 2nd Edition, N N Greenwood and A Earnshaw, Butterworth Heinemann Biological Roles of Copper, Ciba Foundation Symposium 79 (new series) 1980 Science Magazine 1999, Volume 284, pages 748-749 Science Magazine 1997, volume 278, pages 817-818
Friday, October 25, 2019
Marcus Aurelius Essay -- essays research papers
Marcus Aurelius was born on April 20, 121 AD into a family of royalty. His uncle and adoptive father, Antoninus Pius, was the emperor of Rome. Aurelius, too, was trained from birth to be a great ruler like his father. At age eleven, he dedicated himself to religion, although he considered philosophy to be the "true, inward" religion, one which did not require ceremonies necessary in others. He was appointed by Emperor Hadrian to priesthood in 129. The Emperor also supervised his education, which was with the best professors of literature and philosophy of the time. From his early twenties, he deserted his other studies for philosophy. In 161, Marcus Aurelius ascended the throne and shared his imperial power with his adopted brother Lucius Aurelius Verus. Useless and lazy, Verus was regarded as Marcus’s sidekick, but he died in 169. After Verus's death, he ruled alone. In the movie Gladiator, Marcus Aurelius is a sick ruler who is fighting against the Parathions to take over the land and make his empire greater than it was. The movie never showed Marcus Aurelius in his youth when he was the ruler, but only showed when he was a dying man. Of course, the movie was not based off Marcus Aurelius, but it could have gone more in depth of what his beliefs were on life and his citizens. The movie kind of represents Rome as a great city, but in reality, while Aurelius was the Emperor, Rome was not all that great. Aurelius went through a tough t...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Hersey’s Purpose in Writing Hiroshima
John Hersey was born in China on June 17th, 1914. John Hersey wrote the book Hiroshima on August 31, 1946. The book is about six survivors from the bombing of Hiroshima. The survivors was: Mrs. Hatsuy Nakamura, Dr. Terufumi Sasaki, Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge, Toshiko Sasaki, Dr. Masakazu Fujii, and Reverend Kiyoshi Tanimoto. These survivors were very strong people. They had to live off any resources that were left. Hersey wrote the book to tell the effects of the nuclear weapon. So he chose those 6 people. He described the pain that was visible. He also told about how much destruction the bomb had caused. Hersey also told the readers about how many people had died and te conditions they were in. The bomb caused exscrutiating burns all over their body. Many of the people that didn't die from the bomb was sickened with nausea, headaches, diarrhea, malaise, fever and other symptoms. It killed ninety-five per cent of the people within a half-mile of the center, and many thousands who were farther away. Hersey explained in the book the moment that the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.Hiroshima was also written to tell about the rumors that were going around about what had just happened in their town. The book also explained how the bomb surviors was able to put their lives back together with all their injuries and the scarceless resources. It also tells about how all the survivors had to work together to survive. Hersey also tells the readers about how the survivors are today. He found out that two were dead. Another was a nun. One of them had started touring the U.S.A for money so he could rebuild his church. Another had become a surgeon in his own clinic. No description about the last survivor. So as you can see the book Hiroshima was very helpful. It helped see the effects of the bomb. Also, it helped described the pain that it caused outside of the body and inside. It also gives assistance to the scientist to see how much destruction in the a town that the bomb had caused.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Psychology †Consciousness Essay
Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic. [1] Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. the word â€Å"education†is derived from the Latin educatio (â€Å"A breeding, a bringing up, a rearing†) from educo (â€Å"I educate, I train†) which is related to the homonym educo (â€Å"I lead forth, I take out; I raise up, I erect†) from e- (â€Å"from, out of†) and duco (â€Å"I lead, I conduct†). PSYCHOLOGY It is the study of Psyche. Psyche it mean mind or soul as it appear in human. It is the totality of the human mind, conscious, and unconscious. The basic meaning of the Greek word psyche was â€Å"life†in the sense of â€Å"breath†, formed from the verb psyche derived meanings included â€Å"spirit†, â€Å"soul†, â€Å"ghost†, and ultimately â€Å"self†in the sense of â€Å"conscious personality†or â€Å"psyche I AM GROWING AS PERSON Like all children, when I was growing up all I ever wanted to do was to be big. I always kept a close eye on my role models (my parents) and always tried to do anything they did. The skills I learn and the attitude I acquired from a young age would be of immense help to me in my later years. From the age of five, the memories I have are those of following my father around the yard watching feeding animals. My father would sometimes give me a small jar / container that I could help him feed the animal and although the job I did was insignificant and most likely not done properly, i always got a sense of pride and satisfaction in my work. In my teenage years my role around the house had changed. My father was no longer around and my mother had the pressure of providing for my younger brother and myself. During school holidays I was responsible for looking after my brother and keeping the amused at the same time, not an easy task at all. During this time I had also managed to get casual employment. Although the money I earn was not significant but it was enough for me to pay for my hobbies and ease some pressure off my mother. Now as an adult I have a steady job. I have never seen myself as a victim from anyone because all the good and bad experiences of my younger years it have helped me become a successful and determined person. The support that I received and continue to receive from my family was also a major drive for me to want to succeed as well. I think that everyone’s life is always full of good and bad experiences. The key is to appreciate the good and find a way of turning a negative situation into a positive. For example, when my father was no longer around it could have been seen to be a negative situation. However, learning to look after my brother and earning a little pocket money was perhaps the best and most useful experiences I had. In humans, growing up can be physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological. This means that a person becomes more mature as a result of changes in behavior, actions and thoughts that are experienced in the process of growing up. An individual’s character and personality are seen as very vital as they grow up. While growing up, there are many challenges that a person may come across, and the opportunities to become a good person are always there. Due to our uniqueness, we tend to express our beliefs, convictions, and thoughts differently. One very important attribute in relation to growing up is the physical development. Though physical development may not necessarily translate in to growing up, growing up is closely related to physical maturity. An individual is considered to grow up when they display good character and responsible behavior. The process of growing up is always accompanied by a certain level of transformation in an individual, where transformation either makes one a better person or a bad person. At some stage in our lives, we are expected to be changed through the process of growing up. The expectations of the others from us assist in cultivating our actions and behavior that show that we are grown up or we are growing up. An individual who practice self control and display good behavior is a good example of a person who is growing up. These attributes define a grown up person and if a person displays these attributes, the person can be said to be growing up towards the right direction. Discipline is very essential in achieving human fulfillment . Since a person who is growing up seeks this fulfillment, there is no doubt that the only way a person can achieve fulfillment is through discipline.
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